Own the expert information you need to heal your body, mind & heart

Unlock your body’s innate ability to heal with the Love is Medicine Project

Unlock your body’s innate ability to heal with the Love is Medicine Project

Own the Entire 7-Part Love is Medicine Project Series PLUS:

✔ All episodes with video & audio files
✔ Complete transcripts of each episode
 ✔ BONUS Full-length director’s cut interviews
✔ Online Access to Private Facebook Group 


We have lost our way.

We have become disconnected from our nature. The things most elemental to us as humans: what to eat, how to move, how to take care of ourselves and the earth have become, hard… Confusing.

We read the books and consult with Google and gurus, but we don’t know how to heal. We outsource our inner wisdom, we don’t listen to our bodies.

How we are loved, how we love each other and how we love and care for ourselves not only impact chronic disease but also resilience, depression and anxiety, sleep issues and performance. Self-care is the true health care!

The naturopathic philosophy honors what is called the Vital Force, that invisible force that guides all living things towards growth, betterment, compassion and healing. It is love. I believe health is our God-given birthright, our natural set point and that we are designed to thrive and heal, and are given everything in nature to do so.

This journey of Love is Medicine will help you get back to who you really are so that through accepting the love around you, though practicing the self-love of self-care and self-accountability, you will heal all areas of your life.

Who is the Love is Medicine Project for?  

If you have endured trauma in your childhood…

If you have suffered loss of a spouse, partner or parent… 

If you lack the confidence to go after your dreams

If you live with chronic pain or illness

If you struggle with making positive lifestyle changes such as quitting sugar or smoking…

If you can’t seem to keep a fitness habit

If you seem stuck in bad relationship patterns…

If you struggle to maintain a healthy weight

If you all too often ignore your inner voice…

Then this series is for you! 


Lets embody a new narrative… One centered on LOVE.

Self-love starts with self-care! You owe it to yourself to get the best information to support you and your family’s well-being and happiness. You will want to come back to these episodes, time and time again. 

Discover what you will learn as part of the Love is Medicine Project 

EPISODE 1: It’s NOT all in your Head

  • Learn from my personal story of healing
  • Learn how I found my catalyst for healing and how you can find your own
  • Understand the current paradigms in healing that focus on profits over the people they are meant to serve

EPISODE 2:  How We Get Sick

  • How you became separated from yourself
    Learning from our self destructive behaviors
  • Overcoming coping mechanisms that destroy our health and mental well-being
  • Getting to the root of the issue as opposed to treating symptoms of disease
  • Creating positive relationships with our environment
  • Understanding how technology, meant to connect us with others, separate us from ourselves

EPISODE 3: Where Healing Comes From

  • What the vital force is and its role in healing
  • How up to 80-90% of disease is caused by diet, lifestyle, and environmental factors
  • Creating the best environment for our bodies & mind to thrive
  • Learn how hormones produced in the gut affect our mood and regulate our emotions
  • Understanding our physiology and role of the heart, gut and brain

EPISODE 4:  Healing the Past, Healing the Present

  • How emotional trauma can manifest in the body
  • How childhood traumas contribute to disease
  • What can we learn from the ACE Study
  • Learning from trauma and making space for emotional & physical healing
  • Addressing addictions and coping mechanisms

EPISODE 5: Self-Love & Loving Others

  • Learn how relationships can be the protector of health
  • Learn how to love yourself through self-care
  • Understanding the vital force and our innate ability to heal
  • Learning to understand your worth and why it is important to invest in yourself

EPISODE 6:  The Body’s Wisdom

  • Understanding the body’s messages
  • The role of intuition in changing our habits & behaviors
  • Learn to go within and learn to listen to our inner voice with intention and kindness
  • How we have altered & adulterated our connections with each other

EPISODE 7:  Love is Medicine

  • What is love
  • How do we manifest love
  • Learn how love heals

As part of the Love of Medicine Project Full Access Pass you will get:

Your ON DEMAND ACCESS allows you to download or watch this content online! 


All episode videos (mp4)
All episode audios (mp3)
View/download transcripts (pdf)
Online streaming
Online downloading
Online access to bonus content
Online Access to Private Facebook Group


Easy to read transcripts

Dive deeper into each episode with complete and easy to read transcripts. Get access to all 7 episode transcripts as PDFs to read or print at home!

Downloadable MP3s for easy listening

Access the teachings in the Love is Medicine Project, anytime with audio file downloads in your Love is Medicine Full Access Pass! Take them in the car, at the office, in the gym, on your run… It is motivation to continue your healing journey, each and every day. 

When you order today you will also get this amazing Bonus Content!

BONUS #1 : Dr. Bernie Siegel Interview –
Director’s Cut

[$19 Value]

Learn how Dr. Siegel help patients overcome life threatening illness  
 Uncover stories of “Spontaneous Healing” 
Learn how our words and thoughts manifest health and healing   


BONUS #2 : Dr. Charley Cropley Interview – Director’s Cut

[$19 Value]

Learn how Dr. Charley Cropley teaches through illness as a way to healing 
 Uncover how to listen to our bodies as a way to move towards health
Learn strategies to incorporate into your daily life that honor your body, mind and soul 

BONUS #3 : Dr. Tom O’Bryan Interview –
Director’s Cut

[$19 Value]

Learn how Dr. Tom O’Bryan treats the difficult autoimmune cases  
 Uncover how things in our environment can impact our health 
Get real world advice on nutrition to boost brain function & overall performance


BONUS #4 : Dhru Purohit Interview –
Director’s Cut

[$19 Value]

Learn how friendship can influence our health and relationships 
 How to create modern day rituals to connect us with community
Why it is so important to fire your toxic friend or have the courage to repair


BONUS #5 : Tricia Graves Nelson Interview – Director’s Cut

[$19 Value]

Learn how emotional eating can affect your health 
 Uncover how we incorporate coping mechanisms to deal with stress and trauma 
Learn to overcome emotional eating patterns in 7 steps  


BONUS #6 : Top 25 Anti-Cancer Foods

[$19 Value]

With colon, prostate, breast, and lung cancer leading as some of the deadliest diseases of the modern age, be proactive, not just reactive against this new scourge. As the old adage goes, “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.” Learn the (delicious) secrets hidden in your kitchen that can naturally promote longevity and protect your health.

BONUS #7 : Is it Time to Fire your Doctor?

[$19 Value]

The word “doctor” comes from the latin “docere,” meaning to teach. A doctor is one who should teach and empower; yet sadly, two-thirds of patients across the globe feel dissatisfied and even disrespected by their physicians. Don’t let this be you! Learn the tools to be the manager of your own health. Explore what truly makes a good doctor, explore steps to firing your doctor, and find out the right questions to ask in order to find the best physician for you.

BONUS #8 : 10 Healing Secrets of the Mind

[$19 Value]

Our minds are powerful machines, capable of controlling our physiology. In this compilation of the best articles published in NDNR over the last 10 years, we dive into the science of how the mind can influence the body to heal. Learn how ancient techniques like meditation, yoga, and guided imagery can reduce stress, restore balance in the body, and encourage healing from within.

BONUS #9 : A Naturopathic Guide to Unraveling Depression, Calming Anxiety and Starting a Frank Discussion about Suicide

[$37 Value]

Suicide has reached record numbers. It is our hope that “A Way Through” opens a dialogue and provides help for those suffering from depression & anxiety. Our physician experts have helped thousands of patient regain their lives. 

BONUS #10 : Naturopathic Guide to Beating the Flu

[$17 Value]

– Learn how to prevent the flu in your home
– Learn which foods and supplements can fight the virus
– Get expert advice from leading physicians on how to treat the flu
– Understand the signs on when it is time to see your doctor
– Learn the purpose behind your child’s fever and why you shouldn’t try to bring it down sometimes

BONUS #11 : Naturopathic Guide to a Healthier Gut

[$37 Value]

Advanced strategies to naturally heal your gut, overcome discomfort and get to feeling good, again!
– Steps to improve your gut health with Naturopathic Medicine 
– Approaches to combat bloating and discomfort 
– Top nutrients for those with GI Issues

Money-Back Guarantee:

We are so sure you’ll be happy with your purchase that we offer a “30-Day Money-Back Guarantee” to ensure customer satisfaction with the Love is Medicine Project. If for any reason you wish to discontinue using the Love is Medicine Project, we will promptly issue a refund.  

Simply contact us at info@loveismedicineproject.com to speak to a customer care specialist about our 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee.

Phenomenal – a Must Listen

I’ve been listening to this podcast since the start and it’s truly amazing. The conversations are mind blowing and heartwarming. Razi Berry is so knowledgeable, real and charming and brings on such wonderful guests. A delight to listen to!

Love is Medicine Project
Expert Speakers










































Why own the Love is Medicine Project?

Razi is charismatic and relatable. Her stories and commentary are deeply moving and inspire the best parts of ourselves to take action and move forward.

The Love is Medicine Project brings together the biggest names in health, in a 7-part binge worthy series that rivals even the best title in your Netflix feed.

By the end of the series you will leave with actionable steps you can take to start making changes in your health, mindset & relationships

    I immediately subscribed…

    Razi, I’ve heard you on various health summits and podcasts, for the past three years, since I became wrapped up in functional, Integrative and natural medicine. When I recently learned you had a podcast, I immediately subscribed. I’ve been jumping around, picking certain ones to listen to. I’ll eventually get around to all of them. Thank you for all the good you bring to the world. May you receive an abundance of beauty, good and benefit in your life.


    Razi Berry is the founder and publisher of the journal Naturopathic Doctor News & Review, which has been in print since 2005, and the premier consumer-faced website of naturopathic medicine, NaturalPath. She is the host of The Natural Cancer Prevention Summit and The Heart Revolution-Heal, Empower and Follow Your Heart, and the popular 10 week Sugar Free Summer program.

    From a near death experience as a young girl that healed her failing heart, to later overcoming infertility and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia through naturopathic medicine, Razi has lived the mind/body healing paradigm. Her projects uniquely capture the tradition and philosophy of naturopathy: The healing power of nature, the vital life force in every living thing and the undeniable role that science and mind/body medicine have in creating health and overcoming dis-ease.

    Follow Razi on Facebook at Razi Berry and join us at Love is Medicine to explore the convergence of love and health.




    Copyright © 2019 ND News & Review, LLC 

    Information on this web site is provided for informational purposes only. The information is a result of years of practice experience by the author. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. Do not use the information on this web site for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read on this web site. Information provided on this web site and the use of any products or services purchased from our web site by you DOES NOT create a doctor-patient relationship between you and any of the physicians affiliated with our web site. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.