The True Prescription to Healing the Body, Mind & Heart
The Love is Medicine Project FREE and online from NOW – June 7th
What does the Love is Medicine mean to you?
“Love is medicine is about getting back to who we are, remembering what it is to be alive. Um, and it’s about connecting with ourselves, connecting with all sentient life, connecting with others, connecting with animals and plants and everything that’s alive.“
Jason Prall - Human Longevity Project“Love is medicine, food is medicine, movement is medicine. All of these practices that you cultivate in yourself, with intention, are all about loving yourself. The actions that you take that show yourself that you are valued, that you are worthy of, of taking these actions. All of this is about love.“
Betty Rocker - The Betty Rocker“I think that it’s a commitment to love oneself, first of all. And, you know, going back to something I said earlier, it’s a commitment to learning about the knowledge and skills to take care of your own body and brain.”
Ari Whitten - The Energy Blueprint
We have lost our way.
We have become disconnected from our nature. The things most elemental to us as humans: what to eat, how to move, how to take care of ourselves and the earth have become, hard… Confusing.
We read the books and consult with Google and gurus, but we don’t know how to heal. We outsource our inner wisdom, we don’t listen to our bodies.
How we are loved, how we love each other and how we love and care for ourselves not only impact chronic disease but also resilience, depression and anxiety, sleep issues and performance. Self-care is the true health care!
The naturopathic philosophy honors what is called the Vital Force, that invisible force that guides all living things towards growth, betterment, compassion and healing. It is love. I believe health is our God-given birthright, our natural set point and that we are designed to thrive and heal, and are given everything in nature to do so.
This journey of Love is Medicine will help you get back to who you really are so that through accepting the love around you, though practicing the self-love of self-care and self-accountability, you will heal all areas of your life.
Love is medicine,

Love is In there...
Razi exudes love, compassion and curiosity. She’s easy on the ears and carries such an important message in this world that is way too concerned about the bottom line, rather than love.

Simply beautiful...
I love this series! Each episode is inspiring, informational, and carries great potential for transformation. Beautiful instruction in the scientific evidence for the tremendous power of love for self and love for others. Thank you!

Love is truly powerful medicine...
Razi brings a blend of science, medicine, and the healing power of love. Engaging, insightful, and a breadth of knowledge! This is a must-listen for all!
Who is The Love is Medicine Project for?
✔ If you are feeling isolated..
✔ If you want to increase your immunity and resiliency...
✔ If you have endured trauma in your childhood…
✔ If you have suffered loss of a spouse, partner or parent…
✔ If you lack the confidence to go after your dreams…
✔ If you live with chronic pain or illness…
✔ If you struggle with making positive lifestyle changes such as quitting sugar or smoking…
✔ If you can’t seem to keep a fitness habit…
✔ If you seem stuck in bad relationship patterns…
✔ If you struggle to maintain a healthy weight…
✔ If you all too often ignore your inner voice…
Then this documentary series is for you!
What they are saying about the series…

Heal your relationship with your environment, self and others through the science of lifestyle medicine!
Discover what you will learn as part of the Love is Medicine Project

EPISODE 1: It’s NOT all in your Head
- Learn from my personal story of healing
- Learn how I found my catalyst for healing and how you can find your own
- Understand the current paradigms in healing that focus on profits over the people they are meant to serve
Featuring guest experts: Ocean Robbins, Tricia Nelson, Cynthia Pasquella, JJ Virgin, Niki Gratrix, and many more...

EPISODE 2: How We Get Sick
- How you became separated from yourself
- Learning from our self destructive behaviors
- Coping mechanisms that destroy our health & mental well-being
- Getting to the root of the issue vs treating symptoms of disease
- Understanding how technology, meant to connect us with others, separates us from ourselves
Featuring guest experts: TK Huynh, Ari Whitten, Jason Prall, Dr. Michael Murray, Diane Krazer, and many more...

EPISODE 3: Where Healing Comes From
- What the vital force is and its role in healing
- How up to 80-90% of disease is caused by diet, lifestyle, and environmental factors
- Creating the best environment for our bodies & mind to thrive
- Learn how hormones produced in the gut affect our mood and regulate our emotions
- Understanding our physiology and role of the heart, gut and brain
Featuring guest experts: Dr. Charley Cropley, Kim Jones, Dr. Brian Mowll, Dr Bernie Siegel, Christy Whitman, and many more...

EPISODE 4: Healing the Past, Healing the Present
- How emotional trauma can manifest in the body
- How childhood traumas contribute to disease
- What can we learn from the ACE Study
- Learning from trauma and making space for emotional & physical healing
- Addressing addictions and coping mechanisms
Featuring guest experts: Razi Berry, Erin Matlock, Dr Veronica Anderson, Rollin McCraty, Debora Wayne and many more...

EPISODE 5: Self-Love & Loving Others
- Learn how relationships can be the protector of health
- Learn how to love yourself through self-care
- Understanding the vital force and our innate ability to heal

EPISODE 6: The Body’s Wisdom
- Understanding the body’s messages
- The role of intuition in changing our habits & behaviors
- Learn to go within and learn to listen to our inner voice with intention and kindness
- How we have altered & adulterated our connections with each other

EPISODE 7: Love is Medicine
- What is love
- How do we manifest love
- Learn how love heals
Featuring guest experts: Razi Berry, Dr. Jolene Brighten, Carrie Campbell, Tammy Ward, Dr. Bernie Siegel, and many more...

Research has linked social isolation and loneliness to higher risks for a variety of physical and mental conditions:
✅ high blood pressure
✅ heart disease
✅ obesity
✅ weakened immune system
✅ anxiety
✅ depression
✅ cognitive decline
✅ Alzheimer’s disease
✅ and even death…
Did you know that 47% of Americans have reported feelings of isolation and loneliness.
Nearly half of all Americans suffer from at least one chronic disease and this percentage is growing.
Did you know that up to 90% of disease is preventable?
There is 100% chance there is something you can do about it…
Self-Care Experts:
Learn how to deliberately take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health
#1 best-selling author and the creator of the Energy Blueprint system for overcoming fatigue and increasing energy levels
Innovator-Entrepreneur at MindBody Matrix
Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner, Functional Nutritional Therapist who works with clients worldwide
Nutritionist, lecturer, and writer specializing in fats, oils, cholesterol, and essential fatty acids
Abundance Coach, Transformational Leader & the New York Times bestselling author of The Art of Having It All.
Kelly Brogan, M.D. is a holistic psychiatrist, author of NY Times Bestselling titles.
Discover the self love key to unlock your body’s innate intelligence, become your own best healer
Sayer Ji is founder of, an author, and the member of various boards in the natural health and health freedom domain.
Author, TV journalist, public speaker, and activist
Authors of the National Bestseller, The Healing Power of Essential Oils, Dr. Eric Zielinski has pioneered natural living and Biblical health education since 2003.
Mindset Experts:
Learn what it takes to thrive in your profession and personal life
Author, speaker and energy healing expert
Author, speaker and energy healing expert
Author, speaker and energy healing expert
Author, speaker and detoxification expert
Author, speaker and detoxification expert
Author, speaker and burnout-recovery specialist and a physician career makeover coach
A Harvard Medical School trained cell biologist and licensed psychologist
Author, speaker and American developmental biologist and expert in gene expression
Author and retired pediatric surgeon, who writes on the relationship between the patient and the healing process
Life coach and counsellor
Social Connection and Sexual Health Experts:
Learn the science behind how we connect with others and the impact on our physiology
Sexual Health Expert & CEO of Personal Life Media
An integrative medicine expert, Doctor of Sexology, psychotherapist
Host of Broken Brain Podcast and Social Connection Expert
Naturopathic Doctor and Author of the Award Winning Book, Beyond the Pill
Holistic Psychologist, Mindset, Empowerment & Personal Development Expert
Host of the Human Longevity Project & a Nationally-Recognized Speaker
Scientist, psychophysiologist, executive vice president and director of research at HeartMath Institute
Naturopathic strategies for overcoming chronic disease and harnessing the vital force… moving us beyond healing to thriving
Naturopathic Doctor
Naturopathic Doctor
Naturopathic Doctor
Internationally recognized and sought after speaker and workshop leader specializing in functional medicine
Naturopathic Doctor
Naturopathic Doctor
Naturopathic Doctor
Naturopathic Doctor
Naturopathic Doctor
Expert information on how to nourish our bodies & spirits to support optimal health
Functional Medicine Practitioner and Founder of the Diabetes Coach
Host of the Food Revolution an American entrepreneur, professor and author.
Founder and Director of the Institute of Transformational Nutrition and Best-Selling Author
Emotional Eating, Binge-Eating, and Food Addiction Expert and Founder of Heal Your Hunger
Fitness and Movement Experts:
Move towards wellness with movement and exercise
Celebrity Fitness Expert, Speaker and ISSA Certified Fitness Nutrition Practitioner
Celebrity Fitness Expert, Speaker and Award Winning Author of Miracle Mindset and The Virgin Diet
Fitness Expert, Body Builder and Coach
Naturopathic Doctor and Founder of the Fit Father Project
Razi Berry is the founder and publisher of the journal Naturopathic Doctor News & Review, which has been in print since 2005, and the premier consumer-faced website of naturopathic medicine, NaturalPath. She is the host of The Natural Cancer Prevention Summit and The Heart Revolution-Heal, Empower and Follow Your Heart, and the popular 10 week Sugar Free Summer program.
From a near death experience as a young girl that healed her failing heart, to later overcoming infertility and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia through naturopathic medicine, Razi has lived the mind/body healing paradigm. Her projects uniquely capture the tradition and philosophy of naturopathy: The healing power of nature, the vital life force in every living thing and the undeniable role that science and mind/body medicine have in creating health and overcoming dis-ease.
Follow Razi on Facebook at Razi Berry and join us at Love is Medicine to explore the convergence of love and health.
ENCORE | NOW – June 7th

Copyright © 2020 ND News & Review, LLC
Information on this web site is provided for informational purposes only. The information is a result of years of practice experience by the author. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. Do not use the information on this web site for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read on this web site. Information provided on this web site and the use of any products or services purchased from our web site by you DOES NOT create a doctor-patient relationship between you and any of the physicians affiliated with our web site. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.